Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Wake Up While Shopping

I've been dragging the poor boy all over the county the past few weeks with Christmas shopping, hitting every Walmart and Target in the area. And usually this would happen at about his afternoon nap. So I would cover his little car seat and let him sleep. But when I see those first little wiggles under the cover I lift it up to see this...

And isn't it just wonderful?

He's finally learning how to put his paci in the proper way. But for the past couple of months he would just hold it and shove it in his mouth any which way.

And a bonus picture of him eating.

I'm going to miss this. Seriously, he's growing up too fast. Every night before we put him to bed I whisper to him and tell him that he's not allowed to grow during the night. But he never listens and every time he wakes up he gets a little bit bigger and another day older.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Your baby is wonderful. I suggest keeping him even if he is stubborn and refuses to follow your orders not to grow bigger.