Thursday, June 23, 2011

39 Week Update

Super Quick Update?

I had an appointment on Tuesday with my doctor. And I was sitting at 2 cm for the 3rd week in a row. I'm pretty sure I could sit here for another 3 weeks, but hopefully I won't. So we have an appointment set again for next Tuesday, where I will be 40 weeks and 2 days. I guess we'll see what she says then. But I'm opting for not waiting forever. There are days I wish she was more into the induction thing. But I will sit and wait patiently. There are plenty of things I probably should do before then anyway. Now to find some more motivation.

Also, my feet get really swollen by end of night. It's quite impressive actually.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Quick Update on Moving and Such Things

A quick update while I eat my pb&j (mmmmmmm).

So we found out on Wednesday that we have been approved to move into the apartments that we were looking into. And that we can move in on Monday! Needless to say, we're pretty excited.

And so we have begun the packing. It really is a decent way along and going well. And we have to have it all done by 5:30 on Monday evening, when people will show up and help us load all of our stuff into a u-haul, drive it across two cities and lug it up three flights of stairs.

We've also been getting rid of some of our furniture. We either don't have enough room, or would like an upgrade from our craigslisted mess of a house. So the oversized chair is gone. The kitchen table is sold and picked up. The futon is leaving tonight. And the couches have been posted on craigslist for sale.

And along side all this moving madness I find that I am 9 months pregnant. I also find, that I am not quite ready for this kid to come, still a few things we need to do. We still need to tour BJC. We still need to figure out how to install our carseat. We still need to pack the hospital bag. And we still have to pinpoint and stick to a middle name for him.

And lastly, to be noted, they have Mtn Dew Pitch Black out in stores for a limited time. This makes me very happy and makes life kind of worth living.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

37 Week Appointment

Today I went in for my 37 week appointment. Can you believe that, 37 weeks! And for you who are not so baby savvy, that means I am officially FULL TERM. Crazy eh?

So. Doctor's appointment. Went in, did the usual, bp, weight, pee, heartbeat (which she said was 140). Then I actually got to see my doctor. I haven't actually seen my doctor in a full 2 months. The past couple times I was supposed to see her she had some emergency surgery and births. I guess it's good to know those will take precedence when it's my time. So we talked and stuff, not much exciting there, just when to come in and how I was feeling. Then (TMI time?) she did the cervical check. Last week when I went in I was "softening" but not dilated. This week, I was 2 cm dilated! And I know I could sit at that for weeks and weeks, but gol dangit, that's progress that is. But while there, she couldn't tell if he was head down or not. She said she felt the membrane and didn't want to accidentally break my water. And with that, and combined with the fact I haven't gained any weight, she wanted me to have an ultrasound done. And she wanted it, if we could be fit in, done today. And of course it's the time I forget my cell phone. So I used the office phone, called Jamo, left a voicemail telling him to get his butt up there and waited to see if they had room for me. And they did! So I called Jamo again (from the office phone) and he said he was on his way. I kind of freaked him out with my voicemail so he came really fast (sorry Jamo!).

And so in to the ultrasound room we went. They gooped me up and took measurements. I thought I might pass out a time or two. I haven't laid on my back in a few weeks and for good reason. That baby sits right on your spine and that big ol' vein that runs down your back and cuts off the circulation. Not very comfortable at all. Anyway, then she showed us our awesome kid and told us what the heck we were looking at. And we got some pictures to take home! Super exciting stuff. And I had her confirm that he was still a he. And he is!

Oh, and the ultrasound results you ask? Yup, he is head down! And he weights approximately 7 lbs 4 oz. (give or take 20%). And I'm 2 cm dilated. Holy moly. Do you know what this means? I'm going to have a baby... and like... soon! You should all be jealous of my awesome life that is happening right now.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

a Couple of Things I've Forgot

Pregnancy brain is real my friends. And I'm blaming it on all the things that I keep forgetting lately. It's a bit out of control. I really need to start writing things down. But while I may forget the daily things, like what it was I was getting from my bedroom, or what I was supposed to pick up at walmart, or more important things like giving talks, there are something that I just plain forgot pregnant or not. And here are two of them that I remembered... are you excited?

I've forgotten what 6 am feels like (at least on this side of sleep).
I've been up since about 5:00 am after going to bed at the relatively normal hour of 11:30 pm (did you see the part where it said pm?). But when I got to bed that early I tend to not sleep for very long. And then have to take a nap later in the day. Which I'm super excited about by the way. Anyway, so here I am up and can I say that it is a most glorious morning. The temperature is about 58 degrees, it's sunny and there is dew on the grass. I think the word dew is appropriate for it. It's so short lived and small and simple and perfect. It makes everything sparkly and is good and refreshing for bare feet. Also, there are lots of birds out chirping and I'm not even yelling at them for waking me up at 6 in the morning! So today, with waking up on my own, with no time table, with no where to go, I accept 6 am for all it's wondrousness.

I've forgotten what my toenails look like.
This may seem like a silly thing and I suppose it is. But being of the female gender and having a fond devotion to having colors on my toes at all times, I forgot what it was like to have toenails. Like BARE toenails. This whole being pregnant thing is catching up with me hardcore. I haven't painted my toenails in weeks (months?). It's not that I can't reach my toes, I can. It's more of the effort it now takes to reach them for extended periods of times. Talk about uncomfortable, breathless fun. And so my nail polish was all chipped, half way gone and not very polished at all. So yesterday I took it off. And I didn't put on a new coat. So all of yesterday I was completely weirded out when I looked down at my toes. But this morning I came to accept them? But this, by no means, means that I am about to do this naked nail thing for the long term. I mean, they do look completely naked. And thou shalt not show thy nakedness? So as soon as I get up enough energy, I'm going to paint them. I'm thinking going crazy and going red this time.

And end post.