Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Great Sherpa Hat Hunt

We went to Target this weekend with Julie, who came for a visit. We went on the Great Sherpa Hat Hunt of 2012. And James was sick of his car seat, understandably. So we let him out. It took two blankets and a hoodie to get him stable enough in those big ol' Target carts. But he loved it. And best part for him was chewing on the cart. And, yuck. I tried putting his paci in so he wouldn't chew on it, but he just spit it back out. The boy is getting to smart for his own good (or probably it's mine).

And commence cuteness.

And in case you were wondering, Julie found a hat at Burlington. The End.

1 comment:

Heather said...

When you were born, I thought you were the cutest baby in the world, and James looks a lot like baby you.