Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Birthday

I know I'm a couple of months late on posting these pictures, but yeah, that's how I roll. This is me at El Magueys. On your birthday they give you free fried ice cream, but first they insist on putting it all over your face. It's fun. And I love me some mexican food.

Jamo and I eating at "gooeys". Oh, they also make you were a silly hat. Silly picture. Man we got fat...

Dad gave us the old raft. It has a small leak which I plan to find and fix (it's a slow leak though!) So we took it out on the lake when we went camping at cuivre river. Next time we will remember to bring ores... paddling with your hands is awesome.

This is my birthday morning. Yup, that's a birthday doughnut and yup, those are matches on top. We lacked candles on our camping trip.

The problem with lighting matches is, it doesn't work very well, especially when it's windy outside. So mostly I just ate the doughnut.

This is our morning fire to eat some breakfast s'mores on. Mmmmm, s'mores. I could really go for some of those right now.

This is what happens when you forget your camping can opener at home. But with the help of a key and an ax, you can totally get into the can. We did this with both the cherry pie filling (for pie irons, yum) and the pineapple to put in the pie iron pizzas.
The night before (my pictures are backwards, silly). We took a hike up Frenchman's Bluff. This is the view from the top and me uh, doing stuff.
Jamo at the top of Frenchman's Bluff. The way back down got pretty dark. It's a nice thought to go and watch the sunset there (it was pretty), but then you have to think about the way down. We should have thought more and brought flashlights. Lots of adventures.

Jamo half way up to the top. It was a pretty hike full of nature and trees and stuff. I think that's Cuivre River behind him.

This is the stick bug that I picked up when gathering kindling. Yeah, I thought it was a real stick and it wasn't, it was squishy. I was grossed out. It is by far the biggest slash fattest stick bug I've ever encounted in my life. Cool, but eww.

This is Jamo trying to put together the tent. He's getting better at it. He never really went camping as a kid (only with the boyscouts, which is completely different and doesn't count). So now I get to make him do all sorts of silly fun camping stuff with me, yay!

This is our tent, it's awesome. It was a beautiful day when we went (which just doesn't seem to happen a lot this year) and so everyone was there. When we got there, there was only like 3 spots left. This site was decieving. It looked really small, but when you got in, you realized that you got to bring your tent down the trail far away from other campers, it was awesome!

Jamo blowing up the raft to see if it even worked. I think we need a new pump, or a lot of duct tape. It took a while, but we figured it out...

This is the forrest from the car. Kind of a fun picutre, it's like you're driving there. Woooooooooooo!


Heather said...

Ooh, I love Mexican food, too. We used to go to El Maguey's quite a bit when we lived there. And also, that camping spot looks nice- I haven't been camping in oh so long. Looks like fun times!

Mouse said...

Hooray for camping! You should make one of those camping lists like dad used to use, so every time you go you can just check off the stuff you need. Although I am impressed with your McGyver-like can opening skills!