Thursday, November 5, 2009


Sometimes when the weather gets bad (which happened a lot in october) I would come home from work and make me some of this and read me some harry potter. Good times and good hot chocolate.

This is me at work, being ever so bored. Somedays are really slow and I just sit there waiting for people to come and get there pictures taken. So sometimes I get bored and take me own pictures.

So every once in a while this fall we had a nice day. About one every two weeks. It was the wettest October on record. I hope to never see rain again. Here are a few pictures of when we actually got to go outside.

This is a tree in Holly's front yard.

This is emily on someone's bike. Yay for being outside!

Aiden was making a face on the tree out of different things like acorns and umm tape? I think I used to be creative and have an imagination too.

Me and holly's boys went to the park one day. We took a walk by a lake and saw some ducks. I need zoom on my camera on my phone.


Heather said...

Hot chocolate and reading- two of my favorites! I plan on enjoying lots of that in the coming months.

Mouse said...

I miss Fall, waaaaaah! It was in the 60s once, a couple weeks ago, so I drank hot chocolate and wore a long-sleeved shirt (just for the sake of novelty).