Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Years Eve

Frank being Frank... I think he was trying to grow a beard and it itched a lot or something.

Aiden chillin' on the couch.

Jamo and I.

Holly... I left the first one off for you, but hahahahahaha... good times.

Holly and Jamo singing a song.

Jamo playing ping pong, he's good.

Me and Jamo, yay!

Frank and Holly, cute.

Michael and Holly, aww.

Anna singing, probably kelly clarkson.

New years eve we went to Holly's house. There was lots of food and lots of fun. We of course, did the karaoke, and I of course, rocked at it. Jamo managed to stay awake for almost the entire night, it was amazing. Jamo is the type that can fall asleep anywhere at anytime and usually does. This is my life. He also talks in his sleep, which is hilarious. Anyway, so lots of singing and food and family equals one great night. Let's do it again... next week.


Mouse said...

Chris talks a lot in his sleep. Usually about hunting. Although when he worked at Knight Transportation, he would talk to truck drivers in his sleep.

Sheri said...

yeah, jamo is always trying to set up rides in his sleep. but other times, it's funny stuff, like having a husband named jack.