Friday, February 13, 2009

Baby Williams

So as most of you know Erin and Brandon are having a baby. And here is a picture of baby inside of the womb. I think we should all guess now on what we think she is having. There is a poll on the side, yay!


Erin said...

Why is alien a choice on whether I'm having a baby boy or girl?! what do you think I am, some kind of intergalactic slut? :)

Mouse said...

I prefer the term "Intergalactic Escort" ;)

Mouse said...

Oh, BTW, why isn't my blog on your blog list? It will be so much more convenient for you to experience my awesomeness that way.

Sheri said...

to erin, did you see your fetus, it looks pretty much like an alien to me.
to melanie, i think it's the privacy settings on your blog that I can't seem to get it to work on my blog, i've tried. i will try again for you though.

Tristan and Tom said...

Sheri, I'm not going to lie, when I saw the ultrasound I thought that you were pregnant...maybe one day, huh? Congratulations to Erin, though. That's exciting!