Thursday, March 19, 2009

Starting the Process

So we went to the home buying seminar thing last night. So we're going to turn in lots of papers and see if we can get approved. So this is the next big adventure in our life. And we're working with Jamo's brother and dad. His brother owns a company that is going to help us buy down our interest rate to like 0.125%, so we're pretty excited about that. So now we wait to get an appointment with the guy, then send in our paperwork, then meet with them, then see if we get qualified. I will keep ya'll posted.
And my work, I work with a group at UMSL doing an anti-tobacco youth campaign called YEA!. So I work on the website and soon we start working on videography stuff. So we're saving up money now (most likely to put towards the house or something). And so that's exciting. Although, I kind of just want to go home. I get to put up videos today, yay. Only 3 more hours! K. Peace out.

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