Not too much has been happening lately. Mostly I've been spending my time working on photography stuff. I've had a couple of shoots and hoping to line up more. So I've been working on getting all my photos together to put on the web. And I've been researching different things. I've also been photoshopping stuff that I should have months ago. I also have a wedding coming up this weekend. So my life has been pretty busy with that stuff and working a few days at my sub job.
I've also taken a small break on my digi-scrapping (I think because of all the photoshopping I've been doing on other stuff). So when I get of looking at my computer I've gone back to reading. I'm re-reading New Moon at the moment. I never did when the new movie came out. And I want to read Eclipse before the movie comes out in June. While reading New Moon I'm actually surprised at how close the movie came to this book. I feel like Twilight they got all cheesy and had a lot of lines that were not in the book and kind of left me wanting. New Moon though was a lot better in my opinion. I hope Eclipse will be even better. And I'm loving New Moon better the second time reading it through. The first time was just too intense and sad and I didn't know what was going to happen. But since I know how it ends, I'm okay with this time. One book though that I didn't enjoy the second time, just like I did the first time, even though I knew the outcome, was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That is just one of the most frustrating books I've ever read and will think that every time I read it. I do love Harry Potter though. I'm also thinking about reading His Dark Material again (The Golden Compass series). It was such a great series, it's in my top three trilogies I think. I don't really read books now though, that aren't in series. I feel like I'm only getting a small piece of the story and it bugs me. I also have the problem with movies sometimes, like I want the story to continue. That's what tv is good for, a running story.
Aside from my reading rant... Jamo is in his last week of this semester. Two more days of classes, which are actually finals days. So I won't see him a lot until Thursday. Or if I do see him he will be studying (or he better be dang it). And then he gets a month off before summer semester starts for him. He's taking a class or two for 8 weeks. It shouldn't be bad at all. And our exciting news is that we've kind of finalized our trip to South Carolina, like we're are going for sure. So I'm very excited about that. It's been a while since we've been a bigger vacation. We've taken small ones to KC, but nothing else since our honeymoon. And we're going to see Heather! I haven't seen Heather since June 2004, so it will be almost 6 years exactly. That's far too long between visits for the family. Maybe we should have some sort of family reunion one of these years. I hear people have those kind of things.
Ok, I'm sick of sitting at my computer. Plus, I should go figure out what to have for dinner.