Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mail and Dvds

So today I got my photobook in the mail. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it turned out well for the most part. There are a couple of things I will remember to change for next time.
1. Leave more space on the outside edges to compensate for printing/cutting the book.
2. Remember to take the page numbers off (whoops on my part).
But pretty much it looks awesome. I can't wait to have a couple more done. It will be like my own personal little library dedicated to me. And since I am so egotistical, this will work out just great.

I also ordered a couple magnets. If I spent $30 dollars then I could get free shipping, which would save quite a bit of money as it was shipping from hong kong. So I put in a couple of dollar magnets. On one of them, I put the picture of us at the beach that I have on my blog, back when we were thinner. Then I put another one of last summer when we had gotten fat. And now those are hanging on my fridge to remind me how fat I am and how I want to be. People always put up skinny pictures as their goals. But I really think the fat picture is going to help more. So it was a fun mail day today!

The other day I also got my blank dvd's in the mail. I found a really good deal on some at I got 150 blank dvds for $25. And if you've looked at prices, you know how awesome that is. So as soon as I saw them, I ordered them. My plan is to back up all my files that are on my hard drive. I know that hard drives can crash (in some cases, catch on fire... holly). So I want to make sure all my data and pictures and all that is backed up to something more predictable. And so today I am starting that process of backing it all up. I have a lot of stuff.


Mouse said...

Ooh yeah, I have a really good fat picture of me from last summer. Great motivation.

Tiffany said...

You might want to look into getting an external hard drive to back-up all your files. DVDs actually aren't that reliable and have a lifespan of less than 10 years. I've been using an external hard drive for several years now and it's pretty great. They're pretty cheap now too (1TB for $90).

Sheri said...

i do have an external hard drive. but the thing is, is they aren't totally reliable either. so i'm putting them in a couple different locations in case one decides to die. I've had my external for probably 3 or 4 years now. I just don't want it to explode and lose all my photos and journals and stuff that is important to me.