Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elephants, Owls and Whales... oh my?

I have found the perfect layout for myself at the moment. I have never expressed how much I love owls on here before. I LOVE owls. If it has an owl on it, chances are that I am going to love it. I just think that these little cartoony owls are adorable and they make me incredibly happy. So when I saw these owls and all the crazy fun bright colors I had to have it. My love of owls extends past my blog though. Every time I go to the walmart or target and see things with owls on it I almost squeal in delight. Jamo thinks I'm crazy. I also do this a lot with whales. There is this whale stuff at Target right now that is to die for. I've decided I need to have a baby, if only to have an excuse to buy silly things like that. I would do my whole bathroom in that silly whale. And if I have a girl, there will be an "owl" theme to her room/life. If it's a boy I like the idea of elephants, there is some ridiculously cute elephant stuff too. I could also do whale, it would stay with that color scheme. I have far too much time on my hands and think about things far too much. If I have a girl first, it will be brown, pink and green, with owls. If it's a boy, it will be gray, green, and blue, with elephants (possibly whales?). Now all I have to do is have a baby, lol. In the meantime I will save all my silly nonsense for my blog. So may you all enjoy bright and colorful owls.


Mouse said...

Ha ha, I didn't know you were an owlophile! Now I can think of you whenever I see cute silly owl stuff. Haley really likes elephants. She got a stuffed elephant from Santa that is almost as big as her. I think she has an elephant webkin too (she has a lot of webkinz).

And on a completely unrelated note, as I'm sitting here typing, Cate just came over and told me that she doesn't want to drink her milk because it tastes babyish...

Heather said...

I had no idea you were an owl person. I always associated owls with Erin. But I adore the owls on your blog. They are most certainly happifying!

Sheri said...

and people always associated turtles with me, and that's what erin picked as her animal for jeremiah... silly. And who couldn't love those silly little owls, too adorable. I want an owl purse, i saw one once and i should have bought it, sigh.