Wednesday, May 25, 2011

34 Weeks 5 Day Photo

Here is the photo from 34 weeks and 5 days...

It is not amazing on account of the end of day baggy shirt thing going on. Also, my old lady arms. This is probably the worst angle for them I could have possibly gotten. But that really isn't the focus of the photo is it? Is it? Quick, everyone look at how big my belly is! Life is super hard with a belly like this. I make more noises just moving my body that a room full of geese. It's actually quite ridiculous and a little entertaining, while completely annoying. Flipping over at night is rough, and trying to get out of bed or off the couch from laying down is nearly impossible. And thing is, I still have over 4 weeks to go, I'm going to get bigger! And at my last appointment the nurse came in and looked at me all cockeyed and went on about how small I was. And compared the women I've seen on the birth boards, I am. I even think this picture gives my stomach more mass than it actually has. It's the only time you don't mind those 10 extra pounds the camera puts on you, cause for me, it's all belly.

Also, I haven't blogged in a while. There are going to be multiple posts coming up soon. You ever have so much going on that you have no time to blog about all the cool things you're doing? That's me. But now, since things have officially settled down for the most part, I properly blog them. Also, thank you cards will be written this week.

The end.

1 comment:

Mouse said...

I always felt like a huge pregnant moose. Not a whale so much, because they can glide gracefully in the water no matter their bulk. And I've decided the whole last month is just a trial of patience. The baby is totally viable at 36 weeks. Maybe you'll go early :) I never did naturally. The only one I labored naturally with was four days late. The other three were induced: one on her due date, one 10 days early, and one 2 1/2 weeks early. Man, get a mom talking about her pregnancies and deliveries, it's as bad as guys talking about their missions.