Friday, May 27, 2011

Saturdays at Holly's

They go a little something like this...

Sit at table.

Sit on couch.

Sit outside.

Sit at table.

Sit outside.

But sometimes the sitting outside gets cool...

And Holly finally buys a fire pit...

And we sit by the fire...

And take photos of each other that really shouldn't be put on blogs ;)...

And then we sit around some more...

And try not to get eaten by mosquitoes... luckily they weren't too bad yet...

And we eat copious amounts of smores... sooo good.

Oh, and of course you always pick the wrong spot and smoke fills your eyes and you look amazing while the tears stream down your face and your face gets all red and blotchy.

But pretty much it was an amazing night. I love spring, the beginnings of summer. And I'll love it more when fall hits. Fall is the best time for bonfires. Also, I just ate a smore pop tart and it was delicious.


Mouse said...

Ooh, so much fun! We love to do that out here, although we usually just drive out to the desert to do it.

Heather said...

Very nice- I wish I had a fire pit.