Sunday, December 5, 2010

Burp Cloths

So I got a sewing machine a couple months ago. I think I posted about buying it. Anyway, so I haven't made a whole ton of stuff. I'm still not amazing and really need to learn how to sew in a straight line. But it seems as if all my friends are having babies. So I got this idea and have made a few sets for people. Burp cloths. Super easy and lets me practice.

Most have had girls recently. So I made a few of these in pink. I love the fabric.

And finally one of them decided to have a boy, so I finally got to buy more boyish fabric and make some of those. Mwahahaha, so cute.

I've also wanted to try making some of these little things...

They're like the pee-pee tee-pees you can find in the stores. You use them for boys so they don't pee on you when changing diapers. I'm unsure if they actually work (I've read stories of them flying across the room... entertaining if nothing else), but I thought they were cute.

So those were my fun crafts for the night.


Erin said...

Super cute stuff!I never used a pee pee tee pee with Jeremiah. He was pretty good at not spraying. I think I only got 3-4 times total. But some babies are more prone to it I guess and those may come in handy. Great job!

Heather said...

Very cute- what a fun way to exercise your creativity!