Friday, April 15, 2011

29 Weeks

I know I posted this pic on facebook, but for those who only see my blog, here is my 29 week 3 day photo. I don't think it looks much different from my last photo though, at least belly size wise. I'm think this is due to either 1) the kid is growing upward and not outward, 2) it was taken in the morning and not the evening, which maybe could make a difference?, 3) the shirt, or 4) I'm simultaneously growing belly bump, but losing belly fat, therefore evening it all out. Of course, I would love to think it was #4. I do think I look smaller in it than my last photo, but maybe it's just the cute of the shirt. Also, I love that I can still fit in this shirt, as it's not one of my maternity shirts. Fits a lot differently than it used to :), but I love it.

I also bought some new shirts online that I am currently waiting for in the mail. I am in desperate need of some short sleeved shirts to wear in public. But man can being pregnant be expensive. And after looking at store after store, a motherhood sale turned out to be my best option. Sad though that they didn't have any of my size in the actual store. Oh well, hopefully they should be here by Saturday or Monday. I also bought some tank tops at Rue 21 that are nice and long for a change. And I figure I can still wear them for the next month or so and then all the time after this kid is born. I could use a pair of shorts or capris though. I have one pair of goucho pants that I'm in love with in the hot weather, but that's it. Maybe I should look for another pair of those and call it good.

1 comment:

Mouse said...

I loved the gouachos when I was pregnant. They're the absolute most comfortable pants.