Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Glucose and Books

Today I had my 28 week doctor appointment. I thought it was just going to be a normal one. But when I went in the lady asked me if I was taking my glucose test that day. And I was like, no one told me about it. They asked if I had the time to do it, cause it takes and hour and I said yes. So I got to drink their special drink. It was fruit punch flavored and tasted a lot like that Hawaiian Punch drink in the blue can. And then I had the rest of the regular part, then got to wait in the waiting room. It's a good thing I thought to bring a book with me today, cause it came in handy. Then they drew my blood and sent me home. It was a woozy afternoon... lack of food, blood drawn and lack of sleep. I tried to takes some naps... my birds were annoying today though. Oh, and if I don't hear back from the office, it's good news. Other wise I should here back tomorrow or by end of week if I have either Gestational Diabetes or Anemia. Yay!

So I'm currently reading two books at once. The first being Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austin. I bought her entire collection a few weeks ago as I was tired of having to keep renewing books at the library (or more like forgetting and racking up fines :). I read her at night before I go bed. And during the day I've been reading Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass. I like the reading.

And life pretty much rolls on as busy as ever.

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