Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Last year we started noticing growth coming up around our patio outside our apartment. WE had no idea what the heck was growing, but within a month or so, we saw what it was... DAFFODILS! And so every year they come up and make my patio the prettiest patio in the complex (everyone should be jealous). There are lots of pretty flowers on them and I quite enjoy having them when I sit outside (cause it's totally warm enough to do that now, woot!).


Erin said...

I'll trade you snow for some pretty flowers :) You know you want to!

Heather said...

Ooh, we have daffodils along the walk leading to our front door. I planted the bulbs in the fall and was happily surprised a few weeks ago when they started turning into real live flowers. The tulips in the backyard did not do nearly so well.