Jameson woke up nice and early this morning to go to work. I, as usual, got up then to go the the bathroom (I've calculated it at everything 3 hours during the night). I came back and laid in bed. And that's when the pain started coming. Now, I've had this before, I know it was caused by the McDonalds we ate the night before. A doctor before told me it was IBS. So I laid there and thought I would be fine, but alas, I thought I was going to die. Jamo went to work cause I told him I would be fine. I threw up, got on the computer and started feeling better. So I decided to try and sleep again (it's like 5:30 am at this point). As soon as I lay down it starts hurting again and I get really nauseous and puke like a maniac (tmi?). I then try and lay in bed and see if it will go away. After dieing and crying I decide I can't take it anymore and am going to the hospital. So I told Jamo that I was going, and he left work to come meet me. I drove myself to the hospital, cause it's not very far at all, stopping at times to puke out the car door. So I get there and find a lady at the check in and she asks if I'm pregnant and how far along. So I tell her and she gets someone to get me a wheelchair to wheel me to the OB floor. I also had to get a bucket to puke in on my way up, they got it to me just in time ;). So I get to the room and the beds are all messy and she has to clean one for me. Meanwhile, she tells me to put on a gown. And for the life of me I could not figure out how to snap that stupid thing up. They really need to make idiot proof ones for those who are in so much pain they can barely stand, let alone figure out there gowns. So I had to have her help me. And you know what I found? When you're in that much pain, you don't care at all about being umm, modest? I was like, just put the darn thing on so I can sit down. So I sit, they check my blood pressure, hook me up to a baby heart rate monitor (they suck at finding it and mostly just found mine in my stomach). Baby was fine, heart rate was normal, but I was in deathly pain. So after all the hoopla and basics they tell me to wait for the doctor. They sit me up and I start feeling better. By the time the doctor comes in I'm feeling almost normal (of course). He asks me like two questions and then tells me I probably have some acid reflux thing, because he, himself, has it. He starts telling me what symptoms I have and what it should feel like. And I'm like no, those aren't my symptoms. And start going more into detail. After that he started semi listening to me. And said it might be my gall bladder or acid something or other (he was really hung up on it). But also that there wasn't a lot he could do about it and that more tests would have to be run. And some of those couldn't be done until after the kid was born. So he ended up calling my OB, who ps, I've never even met do to a change in doctors that happened this past week. And they told me to take zantac and to make a follow up appointment. Needless to say, I think the guy was an idiot. And they pretty much did nothing. So I'll probably be billed for sitting in a bed being hooked up to a baby monitor and having a doctor too hung up on his own illness to even think my problem might be something else. Oh well, it should go towards our deductible, which I should be hitting anyway this year with this kid. Also, I think they should just take out my gall bladder. I think it would be best and maybe I can eat without fear again. And since I know I'm hitting my deductible this year, and mostly likely my max out of pocket limit, we might as well throw it on right? While we may have crappy insurance, it's still nice to have it. So I need to call my doctor tomorrow and see if she wants to see my sooner than the 8th, which is when my next appointment is. I just hope they take this seriously this time and finally fix it, cause I'm sick of it, dang it.