Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rescheduled and Kicked

Our ultrasound yesterday was canceled due to the weather. We were supposed to get this snow storm of epic proportions (so said all the weather people). While we did get the ice they said we would on Monday, we did not get the 8-12 inches of snow promised. We did get a couple of inches of some wintery mix, which you can pretty much walk on. We were so ready to be bundled up and snowed in... we even bought snacks.

The point though, is that we did not have our ultrasound. We have rescheduled it for this upcoming Monday, the 7th. Of course, we're supposed to get more snow. It doesn't look like it's going to be much though. And so they better not cancel it again. I will be mad. How am I supposed to buy tons of cute things when I have no idea what the little thing is. I would also like to quit referring to "it" as the "thing". So now we wait until Monday, again.

And a new development has taken place. I can now feel this baby moving around and sometimes kicking me. It's weird. And last night I was laying in bed and I had my hand on my lower stomach and that thing kicked me so hard I could feel it on the outside! It was crazy. I think there might have been a scream of surprise. So that's pretty awesome, and kind of like proof that I'm not crazy and I am actually pregnant.


Rhet and Kaitlyn said...

Lol I agree! Feeling the baby kick makes it more real and not just me gaining weight!

Mouse said...

That is so cool! There's nothing like that feeling. Enjoy it!