Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lists and Sleep

So I've decided that I need to do more with my days. I need to be more productive with my time. And there are some projects that I want to get done before this baby comes and I have no time to do them. I have daily goals and longer term goals. And I find that I know I should be doing something, but I completely forget what it is. I'll make whole lists in my head the night before and forget them all in the morning. I'm going to blame this on "pregnancy brain". It got really bad yesterday. So along with all my daily habits I want to acquire, I'm making a list of things to do the next day and writing them down. So today, on my list, I have: grocery shopping, exercise, actually making dinner, clean the living room and digi-scrap the 4th of July. I also need to make sure my lists are realistic.

Also, the baby is kicking my butt. You would not believe how tired I was yesterday. It was bad. I got 10 hours of sleep, which is pretty typical right now. But I don't know if I was a bit sick or just had an overly exciting day on Monday, but I couldn't function. Jamo suggested I take a nap (I hadn't been up an hour yet), so I did. I woke up 4 hours later! It was crazy.

And my dreams are out of control. A lot of them are doomsday, end of the world, people chasing me, trying to save the world dreams. And the ones this morning were intense and just kept going! Sleep and I are fickle friends lately.

1 comment:

Rhet and Kaitlyn said...

UGH same here. I keep waking up in the middle of the night because I can't get comfortable. I'm thinking of investing in a pregnancy pillow. PS: your baby is soooo cute!