James had his 4 month doctor's appointment last week. Stupidly, we couldn't find the insurance card and will have to go back later to get his shots done (quit losing things Jamo!). But James did not enjoy his visit this time. Poor kid was crying almost the whole time, and he even lucked out on the shot thing. I think he was tired and the table was just too cold. But my little good is growing.
His height was at 26 inches, which is close to the 90th percentile.
His weight was 13 lbs 9 oz., which is in the 25th percentile.
And his head was about 16 inches, which is about the 50th percentile.
So we have one long and skinny baby with a normal sized head. The doctor said that his weight was ok, that it would go up and down. But I would have liked it to be more towards the average, especially since he is so long. So I've made the decision to start supplementing my breast feeding with some formula. I just feel like I can't keep up with his demands and growing self. And so once or twice a day I give him a bottle to make sure he's getting enough food. And I'm pretty sure he gets his taste buds from his father. The kid doesn't mind the formula. I was worried he'd hate it and not take it. But truth be told, it's harder for me than it is for him. But I can almost see his little thighs chunking up before mine eyes.
Between the forumla and the rice cereal, he's getting all sorts of different tastes. One day we'll add other things, but for now, I'm content with what we got going on. Although I will say, I miss that new baby smell he had before. He always smelt a little bit like sour milk or something from the breastmilk. I think the smell of him is what I miss the most. But I will say, it is nice to have a break from the endless breatfeeding sessions. I find I'm able to enjoy it more now that I have a choice and that's a beautiful thing. And now Jameson can help with the feeding and have some of that bonding time also. The kid gets to see me for hours and hours every day. But Jamo has to work and then we have to put him to bed a couple hours after he gets home. Hooray for the weekends!
Being able to supplement a little bit is how a new mother spells f.r.e.e.d.o.m! I wish I would have done that with a couple of mine. My middle two were seriously spoiled.
Oh Sheri, he is such a cuttie! We miss you guys so much. Too bad we don't live closer.. You sound like you are having a blast being a mom!
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