Okay, so this blog may appear to some people to be an over share, but it's my blog, so whatever. Mostly I just have a few questions to pose (is that how that's phrased, it's late and I cannot think all that umm, straight?).
Question 1.
Does anyone have the problem that when they need to pee that they cannot think properly and cannot accomplish anything. It's like I have a.d.d. when I have to pee or like I'm the worst multi-tasker ever invented. I go from subject to subject, place to place, chore to chore, without actually ever accomplishing anything.
Question 2.
Does everyone have one deodorant that they stick to, that they know works for them, that they always buy? And if so, do you ever find yourself trying other deodorants just to see if they will work any better or if you will like them more? And if you do, do you find yourself never ever using these other deodorants and going back to your original? I have this problem of liking to try new things and new products. The problem is I don't always like it better than the one I'm using. And when it comes to things of hygiene once you have it, it seems to last forever. I mean, really, how long does deodorant last? And toothpaste... and shampoo/conditioner. You're making a few month investment. And I always feel bad if I don't like it and don't use it, so eventually I force myself to use it, even if I hate it. So I'm trying a different deodorant. Now, it isn't too different then the one I love and use. Typically I am a strict Dove Original girl, it's worked well for years and I don't mind the scent, pretty basic and not too flowery or fruity. A few months ago (upon Jamo's suggestion) I bought another Dove deodorant, Ultimate Clear in some sort of grapefruit something grass flavor. Turns out it's really uh, potent, fruity and flowery. So I don't use it as much. And I don't know if I like the Ultimate Clear as much as the original, like I don't know if it works as well. But a month or so ago they had some new Ultimate Clear on sale and I bought some, in the original scent this time. At least I learned as much. So the deodorant I was using finally ran out and I am now trying this new one. So far I'm not sure how I feel about it, it is still up for debate. But it is supposed to not get on my clothes and leave my arms feeling soft and wonderful.
So there is really no point to this blog post, except to rant about the musings that hit at 3 in the morning when I cannot sleep. I really need to get on a normal sleep schedule. I also need to not think so much about deodorant and just buy what I know and love. I mean, why mess with a good thing? I guess I'm just enticed by the ads of new or improved products. I am a product of society, a drone programmed to buy what they tell me. I also have the same problem with gum, I love gum, and I LOVE trying new gum. There are so many that I want to try even now. I don't chew it nearly as often as I used to though so it takes a while to go through a pack and I feel like I can't keep up with all the new awesome gum they have. Although, so far Trident is by far my favorite, I cannot explain why, but I do. I mean, everyone has there favorite. I also enjoy a fruity gum over a minty gum. I love the Trident Blueberry (or Berry) Pomegranate. It's like eating pie, only a lot less guilt.
And now I've bored you all and myself :) And I think I shall try and go to bed, or at least read until I pass out. My poor husband is doing homework tonight. I had to make a 3 am caffiene run. This is what happens though when you put off your homework all of spring break until the night before it is due. He is really a silly boy. And you think he'd learn by now that maybe this isn't the best idea, but alas, here we are. And now I get to go to bed and he does not. Farewell to all.