Saturday, April 24, 2010

Puddle Jumping and Baths

It actually feels like spring here. I was afraid that we wouldn't get any this year. Last year it seemed like we had Spring all year long. But after winter I was ready for Spring to come. Only what really happened is that Summer came. It's been ridiculously hot for this time of year, like in the 80's. It should only be in the 60's. And if felt like it hadn't rained in weeks (which some people were really enjoying). But it's Spring, which means there should be rain and thunderstorms and all of those beautiful things. And today it's pouring and I'm absolutely loving it.
I've decided to spend the day at my little netbook and digi-scrap. I'm doing this by and open window so I can see and hear the rain. Now at one point, the temptation of the rain became too much. So I ran and put on a swimsuit, shorts and tshirt that I didn't mind getting wet and headed out. Mostly I just walked around the apartment complex frolicking and puddle jumping. It was delightful. Then I decided to go into the field/construction area that is now in front of our apartment and trudged through the mud. Messy. And after thinking about the movie Big Fish (why I was thinking about it I don't know) I remembered the scene when the father was in the tub in all his clothes. He said he felt like he was drying out. So because I felt like it and because I didn't want to get a chill after this rain incident, I went and took a bath in all my clothes. It warmed me right up. And now I am sitting here at my computer again. It's been an odd kind of day. There's just something about the rain that's making me silly and feel like a kid again. I used to play in the rain a lot, that happens in Washington I suppose. I used to pretend to be a hobo and live under the umbrella tree and play my badminton racket guitar. Or pretending I lived in the outdoors and had to find shelter from the rain and and hunt for food. I wish I had that kind of an imagination sometimes. But since I don't I'll sit here and digi-scrap and drink my chocolate milk.


Mouse said...

First of all, you're weird. ;) But in a most delightful way! I used to make up all kinds of games in the rain when I was a kid. Like you said, growing up in Seattle, that's kind of what you do. I miss the umbrella tree, such a cool little place for a kid to sit. Every kid should have an umbrella tree. My kids have a stubby cactus that we stole out of the desert.

Sheri said...

One day I hope to have a yard so I don't have to look like quite the nutter all around the complex :). And yeah, the umbrella tree was awesome, like it's own little mini house/fort/base thing to play in. Sigh, I need a yard.

Heather said...

We have a kind of circle of trees in our yard right now that are smallish, but our hope is that someday they will grow taller and form a hobo den. Also, I enjoy weather. I hope we don't destroy all our trees and have to live in air-conditioned pods like in movies about the future.