Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trying New Things

So in my new quest to be more productive with my life, I've decided that I'm going to map out a schedule for my day. I'm going to wake up at a decent time (for days I'm not working) and do the things I need to. One of my goals is to try new things with my photography and photoshop. I've been looking at tutorials and here is what I did today...

Here is another one that I worked on today. Both kind of fun, different from just the normal basic photos I've done. But I realize I need more photos of people in all sorts of different positions and clothing and expressions. I'll have to work on that.


Mouse said...

Well if you want some pictures of adorable children to work on, I can totally hook you up!

Heather said...

My goodness- I lo-ove that second picture- it looks like a book cover.

Pinky said...

If you ever need someone in odd clothing, or poses let me know! You know you're free to kidnap me at any time, and I have quite a few friends who wouldn't mind being a model for a day.