Monday, April 5, 2010


Jamo, our friend julie, and I went camping Friday and Saturday. Here are some of the pictures from our adventure... and an adventure it was. It rained all Friday evening/night. But the sun came out Saturday morning and made for a wonderful day.

Breakfast of champions... Pancake Smores. You have to improvise when you forget the syrup and jam and all the normal things you put on pancakes. We also rolled bacon and sausage in them, yum. Good breakfast.
This is the meats... mmmm. We bought the cast iron skillet to try cooking real foods over the fire for breakfast. Usually we just do donuts or something, but we wanted to try something new. I think everything turned out well.

So Friday night it rained and rained and rained and rained. We spent the evening in the tent. And it said the tent was waterproof, and it was... for a while. But when it rains that much, there's only so much it can do. So we improvised and in the morning let our stuff dry all over the camp ground. Here are the sleeping bags. Luckily, they didn't soak all the way through, just the outside. It was an experience.

We hung out by this creek in the afternoon. We all got a little burned. It was lots of fun.

Jamo hanging out by this log by the creek. Julie and I had gone to it the day before and it was fairly low, but when we went the next day after all the rain, it was much higher and muddier. But good times.

We made a fire in a fire pit. I'm sure you're supposed to coals or something, but wood we had. It took far longer to start than we had imagine. It usually doesn't take us that long to start a fire. But we got it going and we had the dinner we had had planned for the night before minus the rain. So we did pie iron pizzas (a family classic) and hotdogs and smores and roasted starbursts. Delightful.

This is me eating one of the roasted startbursts. They get all gooey inside and then when they start cooling they get this cruchy shell on the outside, yummmmy.


Mouse said...

You totally crack me up! I love the things you include on your camping menu. Roasted starburst?! How would one even think of doing that? I LOVE camping. We haven't been yet this year. I'm hoping we can get in a trip soon, before it gets too hot. Otherwise we have to drive a couple hours north to the high country, where it's much cooler in the summer. I can't wait until we get the trailer we just bought!

Sheri said...

you bought a trailer? that's pretty awesome. and when you go, try the starbursts, it's delicious (i picked it up from a roommate in college).

Jen said...

Roasted Starburst are the best!!! enough said.