Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ripe Bananas and Spring Cleaning

So I've started what I like to call Spring Cleaning Twenty-Ten. My living room looks amazing. I had to buy a new vacuum, my old one had lost all suction after Jamo tried to clean it and then couldn't figure out how to put it back together. And the the Christmas tree really did it in this year. So yesterday I went to wal-mart and bought a new one. And who wants to hear something gross? I haven't mopped my floor once since I've been in this apartment. I've spot cleaned it with a rag when I needed to, but nothing else. So I decided that it was time I also bought a mop. It's like a swiffer wet mop, only a clorox brand of it (mop and all supplies way cheaper). I'm still deciding on how I feel about it. I like that I have no mop bucket and water to deal with and it dries really quick. Downside? I have to scrub really hard. I don't know how much I would have to scrub though with a regular mop. Somethings no matter how much you try and get with a mop, really just needs to be scrubbed on hands and knees. So my kitchen floor is looking pretty amazing right now. Although I do want to get under the oven (that frightens me a little). I also went through the fridge and got rid of all the old food. We have SO much more space. GOAL - Eat the food I buy before it goes bad/eat leftovers. Now all that's left is dishes, which I'm saving for Jamo (it's his chore). At the moment though he's writing a 10 page paper, eww. So I'll bug him about it tomorrow.
I'm not sure what to do next. I'm thinking either the bedroom or bathroom. The bedroom would take a lot less scrubbing. But I hate putting my clothes away, I kind of loathe it. The bathroom though will take more time I think and a lot more scrubbing (which I really don't mind). I think I need some more cleaning rags, mine are all dirty, whoops. Maybe I'll just get couple at the dollar store. I also need to go to the store and buy milk and sausage. I've been trying to actually make dinner, so we don't go buy fast food all the time. Today, I am also baking banana bread. I had a lot of extremely ripe bananas. So I hope it turned out good, I made a double batch. The first batch is out and cooling. I think I'll try some now...

*Eats Banana Bread*

As it turns out... I am a master at making banana bread. Yum.
And in a little bit I'm taking Aiden to Burger King for late birthday fun (they have dollar kid meals on tuesdays! He can get 2 if he wants, haha). So that should be good fun. I think Holly will get some bread, as I recall, she enjoys the banana bread. Ok, time for me to get ready to leave the apartment :)


Jen said...

Sheri-you make me laugh! I love reading your blog! Enjoy the banana bread and the fact that while you don't have children crawling around on the floor you can skip mopping for a long while!

Mouse said...

I used to totally stink at mopping too. I've gotten better over the last year (thanks in part to Effexor, ha ha). I always count it as my workout for the day too. I figure if you break a sweat, it's exercise.